Showing posts with label wand tattoo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wand tattoo. Show all posts

Sep 6, 2019

Oh Noooo!! The Aliens Keep On Coming!

The invasion from outer space isn't over yet!

Wave after wave of these adorable little creatures keep landing in our studio...
And it's getting a little crowded so we decided to stack them on top of each other:

These brand new designs are available in 3 color schemes:

Standard sizes:
200x280cm / 300x280cm / 400x280cm

(customization possible)

The murals are printed on high quality fleece (non woven) and are easy to apply and remove. Inke's wall prints are available at and via stores worldwide.

Oct 8, 2015

Das Liebkind

Tolle Produktreview von Inke's Tapeten Vögel auf Liebkind (ein Blog für Mamas).

Sep 29, 2015

Casa Facile magazine (Italy)

Some great pictures from Italy today! Renowned stylist Cristina Gigli used various vintage / found items and combined them with modern classics to create an unique look for this children's room. This interior is featured in Casa Facile Magazine.

Needless to say we're very proud to see Inke's Wallpaper Tree and Fawn so prominently on the wall!

Multi Grazi :)

May 13, 2014

Horse and Foal

Still work in progress, but I am sure this girls room is going to turn out quite nice:

As a centerpiece on the wall: Inke's wallpaper Horse and Foal. with some accompanying Butterflies.

Bonus: Creative use of the Inke postcards :)

Thanks to Lieselot for sending these pictures in!

Feb 10, 2014

Wallpaper Tree #3

Inke took a nice picture of the new wallpaper tree #3:

Hi res version available at request...

Inke's original Wallpaper Trees are hand made from rare and authentic wallpapers. Each tree comes as a handy DIY-Kit, complete with instructions, a sachet of ecological wallpaper paste and a brush.

Dec 30, 2013

Wallpaper Tree #3

Hi everyone!

2013 is almost at its end, and to welcome the new year, we have some great news in store:

Available starting January: Tree #3

This slender tree has a budding crown (35 leaves), the wallpaper birdie is included.

Dimensions: approximately 240cm high, 100cm wide. Available in the same color schemes as the other INKE trees.

Recommended retail price: € 89,-

Wishing you a wonderful 2014,

Inke, Paul and Jeroen

Dec 1, 2013

Fee pas ci fee pas ca....

A nice article on the Fee pas ci fee pas ca - blog!

A beautiful spot in the nursery for Inke's Wallpaper Deer (pattern 117).

Thanks for sharing!!!

Sep 1, 2013

New showroom for Die Raumelfen (Vienna, Austria)

Received some beautiful pictures of the new Raumelfen showroom from Vienna, Austria.

Shown here is Inke's wallpaper tree #2 april 197:

And below, a great use of the new Tulip and Butterfly decals - with a few well placed butterflies you can really make a wall more lively!

Thanks to the Raumelfen-team for sending these pictures.

Kindermöbel, Planungen, Accessoires
Lange Gasse 34 (Innenhof ) T + 43 1 535 30 56 

Mar 8, 2013

Treespotting: From Amsterdam to Zaragoza

We received lots of great pictures of Wallpaper trees this week - here are two we definitely would like to share! First up is a Wallpaper Tree #2 Mei 066, sent in by the team from Blij-Land daycare center, Amsterdam:

And secondly -  and again: great use of a backdrop color - this beautiful Wallpaper Tree #1 Special 188, sent in by the people from El Cuarto Creciente, Zaragoza, Spain:

(Click on both pictures for a larger version)

Thanks everyone for sharing these pictures - keep sending them in!

Mar 5, 2013

Treespotting: Pazapas Baby Furniture (BE) Catalogue

A fine specimen of an Inke Wallpaper Tree #2 April 074, as seen in the Pazapas Furniture (BE) Catalogue.

Another good example of creative use of backdrop color...

Pazapas offers furniture specially designed for children, but with a contemporary and trendy look. You can find their latest collection here.

Thanks for sharing this wonderful photo!

Feb 20, 2013

Children's rooms by El Osito Azul

Some stylish pictures of a Wallpaper Tree #2 Mei 075 and a Mama & Baby Elephant in the patterns 118 and 030.

A big thanks to El Osito Azul for sending these pictures in!

Dec 6, 2012

Colora (BE)

We zijn er erg trots op dat vanaf deze maand Inke's ontwerpen verkrijgbaar zijn in alle Colora Filialen in België.

En er wordt groots uitgepakt! Zo kun je bij iedere vestiging het stalenboek doorbladeren om inspiratie op te doen, en staat deze uitgave van het Colora Magazine in het teken van Inke's behangsilhouetten.

Het leuke van de kleurwinkels van Colora is dat je er een volledig advies op maat kunt krijgen voor de kleurkeuze van je interieur.

Nov 27, 2012

New Showroom for Piquant Baby (Dublin Ireland)

Congratulations to Piquant Baby for opening their new store in the center of Dublin Ireland. Nice to see that the Wallpaper Giraffe has found a center spot in the showroom.

Shown on the picture is the Giraffe 115, a beautiful and very rare wallpaper designed by Josef Frank.

You can find the Piquant Baby store at:

Ground Floor, Powerscourt Centre, 59 South William Street, Dublin 2

The grand opening is the 29th of november!

Nov 20, 2012


Wow - never knew this was this big?!


Nov 12, 2012

Babypark Kesteren Mega MEGA store

Deze foto's die ik vorige week heb gemaakt tijdens de opening van de totaal vernieuwde Babypark Megastore Kesteren wilde ik jullie niet onthouden:

Behangboom #2 April 197

Behangboom #2 Special 198

En de nieuwe behanglampen niet te vergeten!

Als je in één keer klaar wilt zijn met shoppen voor een baby-in-aantocht, is een bezoek aan één van de Babypark-filialen zéker een aanrader.

Oct 10, 2012

Great pics from a beautiful wallpaper tree

It is always nice to get positive reactions on one's work, but some are extra special - like these wonderful photo's we received today.

Shown on the pictures is the Wallpaper Tree #1 April 126 - in the detailed photo you can perfectly see the texture of the 0126 wallpaper.

The tree itself couldn't be applied better - perfect job!

A BIG thanks to Héctor for sending these pictures in....

Jun 1, 2012

Wallpaper Tree at MUM Magazine (DE)

Another nice publication made possible by JA-KIDS; The summer edition of MUM Magazine!

Shown here is the Wallpaper Tree #2 Mei 075 (golden trunk).

Thanks again! :)

May 28, 2012

Dinosaur at Frankenkids (DE)

Nice to see the new Dinosaur decals are received well by the press! One of our favorite german web-stores JA-KIDS managed to sneak a Diplodocus in the german magazine Frankenkids.

(Shown here is the Diplodocus 0185L)
