Showing posts with label behangfiguur. Show all posts
Showing posts with label behangfiguur. Show all posts

Jul 19, 2018

We moved our studio!


After a long month of renovating and moving our old workshop, we’re looking forward to take some time off and enjoy this beautiful summer... spending long days at the waterside. 
(the new workshop will be operational most of the summer, but orders may take a little longer)

Nov 20, 2017

Birds of a feather flock together.

Now available at and our dealers: Multipacks of wallpaper birds.

With a whopping 20 birds in each pack, you can take the whole "birds on a wire" theme to another level.

Just draw some lines on the wall (or use very thin tape), add these funky little creatures and voilà: Instant room transformation!

The wallpaper birds are made from authentic (vintage) wallpaper. Ecological wallpaper paste included. Very easy to apply, so this can be a great holiday project for your children!

Sep 26, 2017

Kids Interior's Favorite:

It has indeed proven to be one of Inke's most popular designs over the years so it's fantastic to see that the Wallpaper Giraffe has been listed as one of 's favorite wall decals for 2017 also!

This wall decal is hand cut from authentic vintage wallpaper. The design above is 100cm wide and 150cm high. Great to combine with other Inke Wallpaper Silhouettes.

Sep 8, 2016

Children's Praxis by Engel und Helden (DE)

The team from Engel und Helden (DE) were the creative force behind this stylish interior in a children's practice in Düsseldorf...

The wall decals by Inke are the perfect eye catchers! Thank you Verena!

Fachärzte für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin (Neonatologie)
Dr. med. Renata Vöhringer und Dr. med. Mike Linge
Grafenberger Allee 136
40237 - Düsseldorf


Jul 4, 2016

VT Wonen juli 2016

Mooie impressie van een stijlvol interieur in de VT Wonen van deze maand.

Op de rechterpagina: Inke's Behangfiguur Leeuw. Het gebruikte behang voor dit silhouet is patroon 103... een origineel vintage behang uit de collectie.

Sep 21, 2015

GRIMMWELT: The first museum in Germany dedicated to the works of the Grimm Brothers.

My fondest memories of my grandmother are of her reading me bedtime stories by the Brothers Grimm. When my first son was born, she gave me my own Grimm storybook to read for my children too.
So when the chance came a few years ago to create the illustrations for the tale about the Town Musicians from Bremen I did not hesitate!

The book by publisher David & Goliath is still available in German, Dutch and English.
You can get your copy for free if you order the set wallpaper silhouettes “Bremer Stadtmusikanten” (as long as stock lasts).

Now open:

Weinbergstraße 21
34117 Kassel
T. +49.561.5986190

Sep 14, 2015

Erica's Wallpaper Tree #3

It is always nice to be able to share cool photos from customers, especially when they're as great as this one:

Shown in this kids room is a beautiful Inke Wallpaper Tree #3 wall decal (version June 198)  - a big thanks to Erica for sending this in!

May 4, 2014

Wallpaper elephant - as seen on TV early bird attended us to this segment of todays "Eigen Huis & Tuin" program on RTL4.

Where the host visits a home of a stylist, and Inke's Wallpaper Elephant makes an appearance in this creatively decorated girls bedroom.

(item starts at 10:40)

Mar 21, 2014

Welcome on board: Petit-Toi (Lausanne, CH)

Congratulations to the team of Petit-Toi on their wonderful new showroom in the center of Lausanne, Switzerland.

On this wall: Inke's Wallpaper Tree June 126 and Elephant 118

Well worth a visit!

+41 (0) 76 407 04 79
Rue Mathurin-Cordier 12 - 1005 Lausanne

Dec 1, 2013

Fee pas ci fee pas ca....

A nice article on the Fee pas ci fee pas ca - blog!

A beautiful spot in the nursery for Inke's Wallpaper Deer (pattern 117).

Thanks for sharing!!!

Nov 6, 2013

The Stork is Coming!

The Stork is Coming features an Inke Wallpaper Elephant 117 on this great post about wall decals for boys and girls rooms.

For parents to be, The Stork is Coming is definitely a bookmark-worthy blog!

Aug 21, 2013

Vondey Malermeister (Köln, DE)

Beautiful color tones in these images sent in by Malermeister Vondey from Cologne, Germany. 

Shown in this nursery are Inke's wallpaper tree (type #2 october 066) and the Deer decal in pattern 145.

50767 Köln
T: 0221 16842032

Aug 14, 2013

Brouwershuis for Kids (BE)

De nieuwe showroom van Brouwershuis for Kids (Hoogstraten, België) ziet er echt super uit!

Inke's Behangboom (#1, september 066) komt mooi tot zijn recht op de witte muur.

(Klik op de foto's voor een vergroting)

Naast mooie ontwerpen voor kinderkamers is Brouwershuis for Kids for Kids ook gespecialiseerd in doopsuikers. Kijk vooral eens op de site voor de mogelijkheden (of raak bevriend met ze op Facebook).

Brouwershuis for Kids
Van Aertselaerplein 16
2320 Hoogstraten, BE
T: 03 295 0017

Aug 12, 2013

Wonderful Wonderland, Casablanca

Yet again some great pictures all the way from Casablanca:

Shown above on the round wall is a wallpaper tree #2 special 188. The blue vintage wallpaper goes very well with the light-grey wall.

...and a branch + leaves special 188 completes another wall.

Thanks to the Wonderland team for sending these in! You can find Inke's designs in Morocco at:

54 angle rue attabari et jounaid,
quartier Princesses,
20200, Casablanca, Maroc

Mar 17, 2013

Behangboom Special 188 en Behanglamp 036

Met dank aan Mirella voor het inzenden van deze extra mooie ;-) foto van een behangboom #2 special 188. Het blauw van de boom past ontzettend mooi bij het donkere houtwerk van het bedje en de vloer.

Én bij de fraaie behanglamp in patroon 036 natuurlijk!

Helaas moeten we over enkele weken wel afscheid gaan nemen van deze speciale versie boom... het behang 188 is bijna in reserve. En daarna is op ook echt helemaal op.

Natuurlijk zullen we tegen die tijd weer met een mooi alternatief komen, maar mocht je je zinnen op deze stam/bladcombinatie hebben gezet... wees er snel bij!

Jan 20, 2013

Fraaie nieuwe website voor Jut en Juul

Naast een stenen winkel in hartje Leiden, beschikt Jut & Juul sinds kort ook over een prachtig vernieuwde website.

Inke's ontwerpen worden erg mooi en overzichtelijk weergegeven op de site - heel tof gedaan!

We wensen het team van Jut & Juul heel veel succes met hun fraaie internet winkel.

En als je ze in het echt wilt bezoeken:

Lange Mare 1082312 GV Leiden

Oct 10, 2012

Great pics from a beautiful wallpaper tree

It is always nice to get positive reactions on one's work, but some are extra special - like these wonderful photo's we received today.

Shown on the pictures is the Wallpaper Tree #1 April 126 - in the detailed photo you can perfectly see the texture of the 0126 wallpaper.

The tree itself couldn't be applied better - perfect job!

A BIG thanks to Héctor for sending these pictures in....

Aug 7, 2012


For the dutch speaking readers of our blog we have a publication in the 'werkt.', a magazine from CEDRIS, about the production line of INKE at the sheltered workshop (DZB) in Leiden.

Jul 5, 2012

Beautiful wallpaper tree @ Cubby Castle (DE)

This is a very nice example of a wallpaper tree on a contrasting wall - the darker background gives this Wallpaper Tree Juni 074 (silver trunk) an extra dimension - it really ties the wall together.

You can see this tree in real life in the Cubby Castle showroom (Lippstadt, DE).

Jun 28, 2012

Wallpaper Giraffe 086

Our friends from Kinderzimmerhaus attended us to this great article at Jasimia's blog, starring a Wallpaper Giraffe 086.

What's great about this article, is that you can see how easy it is to apply an Inke Wallpaper Decal.

Thanks for sending us the link!