Dec 23, 2011

Welcome on board: Esta por Mama (Granada)

Today we received these great pictures from the just opened Esta por Mama store in Granada.

Trumpets, anyone?

It is always great to see how the silver of the wallpaper tree 074 takes on the hue from the ambient light surrounding it, making it blend into the room perfectly!

We congratulate Mercedes and team on this beautiful boutique and we wish them lots and lots of success!

Calle Obispo Hurtado, 11. C.P.18002 - GRANADA


In het januari-nummer van Hondenmanieren, staat deze behang-hond 041 afgebeeld in de Kunstenmakers-rubriek van Cela van Biesen.

In de loop van de jaren hebben de behangbeesten van Inke behoorlijk wat publicaties gehaald, maar uit deze hoek is redelijk uniek :)

Misschien geen gek idee voor Spike, dit blad...

Dec 20, 2011

Room to Bloom IV

Need ideas to decorate your child’s bedroom or nursery? Plenty of ideas but not sure how to pull everything together? Let Room to Bloom help you create a gorgeous baby room or an imaginative bedroom for your child!

Room to Bloom is a room design service, especially for children and founded by the very talented Ursula Wesseling. (UK)

Congratulations from all of us here!

Dec 19, 2011

Filippo's Nursery

It is always very nice to receive pictures from satisfied customers - and this one from Italy is no exception!

We very much like the way this tree has been placed inside of the corner of the room - While the tree itself is about 2 meters wide, this shows you do not need a wall this size to accommodate a Wallpaper Tree #1.

Dec 14, 2011

A cool way to use leftover bits of wallpaper.

Once again, another great idea from the very creative people from SiSi: Make your own christmas cards with leftover bits of wallpaper.

In the packaging of the wallpaper silhouettes, usually some extra bits of wallpaper are included to support the silhouette during transport. We have seen some creative use of these scraps before, but this particular one fits the season perfectly.

Dec 12, 2011

Christmas time at Lilli Mandarine (Belgium)

Marianne from Lilli Mandarine (Waterloo, BE) just sent us these pictures of their new Christmas themed storefront. We like it very much!

Used here are the Deer in pattern 0157 and the Fawn in pattern 0163. These decals are for the time being exclusively available via the Inke retailers - most notably in this case Lilli Mandarine.

As usual their work is very inspiring. Please also have a look on their beautiful blog.

Lilli Mandarine
88C chaussée de Bruxelles
1410 Waterloo

Flair 10/2011

What a beautiful production with the theme 'fairytale' did we found in the latest number of the flair magazine. Thank you flair!

Dec 8, 2011

Kom je zondag 11 december naar de Kerst-Ruil-Fair?

Koop en adopteer een eko-kerstboom (€20-€40), ruil je oude kerstversiering in voor nieuwe en doe inspiratie op voor een duurzaam kerstdiner.
Doorlopend programma van 13.00 - 19.00 u
Op de Kerst-Ruil-Fair zoek je een mooie adoptie eko-kerstboom uit en ruil je oude kerstversiering in voor nieuwe. Geniet van glühwein & plumpudding, proef zelfgemaakte brandewijn en ontdek ecologische ambachtelijke streekproducten. Doe inspiratie op voor een duurzaam kerstdiner tijdens de ’live cooking’ met een proeverij van kleine wintergerechtjes, bread &butter pudding en verse strudel. Bij het kampvuur worden kerstverhalen voorgelezen en kunnen kinderen stok-broodjes bakken.

Diverse kunstenaars, originele bedrijfjes (wij dus ook) en lokale leveranciers staan garant voor smakelijke en originele kerstcadeautjes.

Het Rijk van de Keizer
Joris van den Berghweg 101-111
1067 HP Amsterdam
Tel. 020-4977506                

Dec 5, 2011


Today we received these two magnificent pictures from the brand new Mi Pequeño Lucas boutique in Madrid, Spain.

Inke's wall decals look amazing in this very lean and stylish store interior. We hear that they receive lots of good reactions on them.

Shown here are the Elephant, Baby elephant and the Giraffe, all in pattern 080.

(Nice flooring also!)

C.C "El bulevar"
c/ Paseo Alcobendas, 10. La moraleja.
28109 Alcobendas (Madrid).
tel.+34 91 6508537